Usenet (User’s Network) is a communication medium where users read and send messages. In this environment, many servers send and record statements from one to another.
What is a Node in a Computer Network? | Definition, and Features
A node in a computer network is where many computers or devices converge. It can be an intranet, an extranet server, or a laptop.
What is Telecommunication? | History and Features
Telecommunication is a way of communicating from one place to another. It can be two-way and involves technology.
What are the Types of Internet Connection?
Internet connection types may vary according to the basic needs of different environments, such as home or business, but there are standards with both low and broadband lines. Broadband lines, in particular, typically refer to and provide high-speed Internet access.
What is a Satellite Network?
A satellite network has a ground-based station that uses a transceiver to control it. The network also has ground stations for users to send and receive communication through the satellite system.
What is BGAN (Broadband Global Area Network)?
The BGAN (Broadband Global Area Network) technology is a satellite network that offers fast voice and data connections. It uses small terminals that are similar in size to a laptop.
What is Network Topology? | Exploring Types and Pros/Cons
Network topology refers to organizing and designing a network. It allows computers in a network to communicate and share data.
What is Structured Cabling? | Types and Features
Structured cabling means putting cables in a building correctly according to global rules. It makes a network that is organized and works well. Following these rules ensures the LAN works excellently and we can talk easily everywhere in the building.
What is NIC (Network Interface Card)? | Definition, and Types
A NIC (Network Interface Card) is a card that goes into a computer to connect it to a network. It allows the computer to share documents, printers, and internet access.
What is Routing? | Its Definition, Types, & Importance in Networking
Routing involves finding optimal routes between networks in a topology. Determining the best path requires defining the criteria and metrics.