How to Install GNS3 VM 2.2 on Ubuntu 23.10 & 24.04

This article will examine how to set up and configure the GNS3 VM server, which is professionally used to prepare for Cisco exams on the Ubuntu 23.10 & 24.04 operating systems.

Installing GNS3 VM on Ubuntu

How to Import and Configure GNS3 VM 2.2.34 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Your computer’s performance is essential when preparing for Cisco exams and creating and developing more professional network topologies. Using IOS images only with GNS3 simulator software may affect your computer’s hardware performance. Therefore, it is recommended that you use the GNS3 VM for your more detailed work.

GNS3 VM is a Linux-based system that works with virtualization programs such as VirtualBox, VMware Workstation, Fusion, ESXi, and Hyper-V. You can manage your Cisco Router IOS images from a single virtual machine, and at the same time, it works very well.

In earlier versions, it was fully compatible with Linux. Still, in the latest versions, it is recommended to be used only on Windows and macOS, as stated on the official website. However, it works flawlessly on the Ubuntu distribution.

With GNS3 VM, you can import Cisco IOU images into the VMware virtual machine. You can find these images by researching on the Internet.

One of the main benefits of using the GNS3 Server is that it provides users with centralized management and web GUI support.


Before configuring the GNS3 server, install GNS3 and VMware Workstation on your Linux computer using the links below.

How to Download and Import the GNS3 VM

After installing GNS3 and VMware virtualization software on your Ubuntu computer, you can install the GNS3 server on your system by following the steps below.

Step 1

To download the VM.ova file to your PC, go to the official GNS3 page and click on the “Download the GNS3 VM” link at the bottom of the page.

VMware Workstation and Fusion

Step 2

To complete the download process, click the “Download” button next to the GNS3 VM.ova file, which is the virtual machine software you want to use.

Saving the GNS3 VM.ova File

Step 3

After downloading the file to your computer, open the terminal in the Downloads location. Next, execute the following command to unzip the zip file on Linux.


Extracting Zip File to Folder

Step 4

Now, open the VMware Workstation program required for the GNS3 server and click File / Open.

Importing the GNS3 VM

Step 5

Go to the location where you downloaded the OVA file, select the relevant file, and click the Open button.

Opening the GNS3 VM.ova File

Step 6

Click the Import button to convert and import the OVA file to the VMware virtual machine.

Backing Up New Virtual Machine

Step 7

Wait while the GNS3 VM is being imported into the virtual machine.

Importing the GNS3 VM

Step 8

After completing the import process, click Startup this guest operating system.

Running the GNS3 VM

Step 9

After running the GNS3 VM, you can see the IP and Web-UI address on its screen. After testing the server’s network connection with the ping command from the terminal, run the GNS3 simulator program.

Pinging the GNS3 Server

How to Connect GNS3 with GNS3 VM

It would be best to establish a connection with your GNS3 software to use the iOS routers you will add to your Linux computer on the GNS3 VM.

Step 1

After clicking Help / Setup Wizard from the GNS3 tool menu, select the Run appliances in a virtual machine option from the open window and click Next.

Run appliances in a virtual machine

Step 2

In the local server configuration, select the IP address block where the GNS3 VM gets the Host Binding address.

Changing the Host Binding Address

Step 3

After a successful connection with GNS3 Server, click Next.

GNS3 Server Connection Successfully Established

Step 4

Since you have installed VMware Workstation on your Linux computer, tick VMware in the virtualization software section, select the GNS3 virtual machine you imported in the VM Name section, and configure the vCPU value to at least 2.

Choosing Virtualization Software

Step 5

After checking the settings you have made in the GNS3 virtual machine summary window, click Finish.

GNS3 Virtual Machine Connection

How to Add a Cisco Router

After connecting to the GNS3 server, you need to add a Cisco Router or Switch IOS image to the server.

Step 1

Click Edit / Preferences from the GNS3 tool menu to open the IOS router add wizard.

GNS3 Preferences

Step 2

In the New IOS Router Template window, you must select the Run this IOS router on the GNS3 VM option because you will install the Router image on the server.

Run this IOS router on the GNS3 VM

Step 3

Click the Browse button to add an IOS image that you have downloaded to your computer.

Adding IOS Image

Step 4

Select the c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.152-4.M7.bin image and open it.

Selecting the c7200 IOS Image

Step 5

Click Yes in the window that appears to open the IOS compression.

Decompressing iOS

Step 6

Wait while the IOS image you selected is uploaded to the GNS3 VM.

Uploading IOS to Server

Step 7

Configure the name and platform of the IOS device you added to the GNS3 server.

IOS Name and Platform

Step 8

Set the 512 MB RAM value for the IOS Router and click Next.

Setting Router Memory Size

Step 9

After adding Gigabit Ethernet or Serial Interface interfaces to the empty slots, click Next, as in the image below.

Adding Network Adapter to Router

Step 10

To make your processor run the Cisco IOS Router more efficiently, click the Idle-PC Finder button and set a new value.

Idle-PC Value Found

Step 11

After adding the Cisco Router device, you can check the working location of the IOS Router from the Server section in the window below.

IOS router templates

How to Create a New Project

After installing the GNS3 VM on Ubuntu and adding a new IOS to the server, you can create a new project to start designing networks.

Step 1

Press CTRL + N together or click the new project icon to open the project creation window. Name your network project, configure the location where you want to save it and click OK.

Creating a New Project

Step 2

Drag and drop two Cisco Router c7200s into your project.

Adding Two Routers to the Workspace

Step 3

After activating the wiring option from the left panel, click R1 and connect one cable end to FastEthernet0/0 from the empty slots.

Connecting Routers

Step 4

Click the green arrow from the GNS3 tool menu and run all Routers.

Powering All Devices

Step 5

Open the console by double-clicking on R1 and assign a new IP address using the commands below.

R1# conf t
R1(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# no shutdown

Assigning an IP Address to Router R1

Step 6

Likewise, assign an IP address to R2’s FastEthernet0/0 interface.

R2# conf t
R2(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0
R2(config-if)# ip address
R2(config-if)# no shutdown

Assigning an IP Address to Router R2

Step 7

When you ping the routers’ interconnected interfaces, you can see that the network connection is successful.

Testing the Connection Between Routers

How to Disable GNS3 VM

If you want to remove the GNS3 virtual machine from your Linux computer, you must turn off the service in the simulator program’s settings and edit its local server settings.

Step 1

After opening Preferences in GNS3, click on GNS3 VM from the options on the left panel, disable the “Enable the GNS3 VM” option and click OK.

Disabling the GNS3 VM

Step 2

After disabling the GNS3 VM, open the Help / Setup Wizard and tick “Run appliances on my local computer” to edit local server settings.

Choosing to Run Devices Locally

Step 3

In the Local Server Configuration window, change the IP address of the Host Binding option to “Localhost” and continue.

Localhost Selection

Step 4

Continue after checking the local server connection.

Closing the Localhost Server Wizard

Step 5

Verify that the GNS3 simulator will run on Localhost on your Host PC and close the wizard.

Checking Local Host Connection

Step 6

Finally, delete the image of the c7200 Router you added from the Dynamips / IOS Routers settings.

Deleting Pre-Added Device from GNS3 Server

Step 7

Open the IOS add wizard again, select “Run this IOS router on my local computer,” and continue.

Running IOS Router Locally

Step 8

When you check the Server section of the template window after adding the Router c7200, you will see that Ubuntu is your Host.

Verifying that the Device Is Working Locally

Step 9

To thoroughly delete the GNS3 server from VMware, right-click on it, click Manage, and then click Delete from Disk. In the warning window that opens, click Yes to confirm that the virtual machine has been completely deleted from the appropriate location.

Completely Deleting the GNS3 Server


Installing Old Versions

Ubuntu and GNS3 VM Resources
Ubuntu VersionGNS3 VM VersionYouTube VideoSlide
22.04 (NEW)2.2Watch


After all my explanations, I would like to say that installing GNS3 VM on Ubuntu is necessary for performance. This is a critical step, especially if you are preparing for Cisco exams.

Also, the power and virtualization capabilities of GNS3 VM provide you with advanced settings. Thus, you can create complex network topologies without reducing your local machine performance.

This structure also makes it easier to import IOS images, simplifying router configuration. It also provides more flexibility, allowing you to simulate real-world scenarios.

In short, I recommend using the right tools while developing your networking skills. In this way, you will significantly increase your learning experience and technical proficiency.


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