How to Install macOS Mojave 10.14 on VMware ESXi 6.7

In this article, we will install macOS 10.14 on ESXi. Then, we will fix the screen resolution error by installing VMware Tools on the macOS virtual machine.

Installing macOS on the ESXi Server

How to Install macOS Mojave 10.14 on ESXi 6.7 (6.7U2)

On June 4, 2018, Apple released a new version of the MacOS operating system, 10.14, for developers. MacOS 10.14 was called Mojave. The full version of the macOS Mojave will probably be available for everyone in September or October.

What is VMware ESXi? VMware ESXi is a server virtualization solution. VMware ESXi is also known as VMware vSphere Hypervisor. VMware ESXi is a Hypervisor Type 1 virtualization solution.

You can set up and run Apple’s MacOS operating system without having a Mac computer. In our previous articles, we installed MacOS with VMware Workstation, VirtualBox, and ESXi.

In this article, we will install macOS Mojave 10.14 on ESXi. Version 6.7 of ESXi was released on April 17, 2018. If you are using the 6.5 version on an existing infrastructure, you can upgrade your infrastructure to a new release by browsing the article called How to Upgrade ESXi.

How to Run macOS Mojave on VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 6.7

After you install ESXi, you need to download some files needed for Mojave installation. Download the macOS Mojave ISO file, VM Unlocker, and VM Tools from the following links.

After downloading the necessary files for the setup of macOS Mojave 10.14 from the above links, upload these files to your vSphere server. If you do not know how to upload files to ESXi, you can browse How to Copy Files to ESXi Datastore.

After uploading the files on Datastore, you need to prepare for the virtual machine setup. First, enable SSH and connect to your VMware ESXi server using the Putty program.

After connecting with SSH, you need to setup VMware Unlocker to run macOS on VMware ESXi.

Follow the steps below to install macOS Mojave 10.14 on your server.

How to Install VMware Unlocker on VMware ESXi

Follow the steps below to set up VMware ESXi Unlocker.

   Step 1

The files in Datastore are as follows. Go to the next step to enable SSH on VMware ESXi.

Uploading Unlocker to ESXi Datastore

   Step 2

On the ESXi 6.7 server, press F2, and then press Enter on the Troubleshoot Mode Options. Press Enter on the Enable SSH option to enable SSH.

Enabling SSH in vSphere ESXi

   Step 3

After enabling SSH, download the Putty program from here and open the program. To make an SSH connection to your ESXi server, type the server’s IP address and select SSH. Then click the Open button to connect.

Connecting to ESXi Server using PuTTY

   Step 4

After typing your username and password, press Enter.

Typing Username and Password in ESXi

   Step 5

After successfully connecting to the server, use the following commands to extract the zipped file to set up VMware Unlocker.

cd vmfs
cd volumes
cd datastore


   Step 6

To set up VMware Unlocker on VMware ESXi, apply the following commands to the terminal.

cd esxi
chmod +x


   Step 7

After installing the vSphere ESXi Unlocker, restart your server using the Reboot command.

Restarting ESXi Server

How to Create a New Virtual Machine for macOS

After installing the vSphere ESXi Unlocker, follow the steps below to create and configure a new virtual machine.

   Step 1

After connecting to vSphere ESXi 6.7 via a web browser, click on Virtual Machines and then Create / Register VM.

Creating a New Virtual Machine in ESXi

   Step 2

In the Create New Virtual Machine window, select Create a new virtual machine for Mojave and click on the Next button.

Creating a New Virtual Machine in ESXi

   Step 3

Configure macOSMojave1014 for the VM name and set Compatibility to ESXi 6.7, Guest OS Family setting to Mac OS, and Guest OS Version to Apple macOS 10.14 (64-bit) and click Next to continue.

Apple macOS 10.14 (64-bit)

   Step 4

Select Datastore and click Next.

Select Storage

   Step 5

Configure the number of processors to 2 and the RAM size to 4 GB.

Customize Settings

   Step 6

Configure the Network Adapter and then click Datastore ISO File to add the ISO file to the virtual machine.

Also, configure the Video Card option to Auto-detect settings.

Auto-detect settings

   Step 7

Select the ISO file.

macOS Mojave ISO

   Step 8

Finally, enable the Hardware Virtualization and Performance Counters options for the virtual machine’s processor configuration and click Next.

Enabling Hardware Virtualization

   Step 9

The summary information of the 10.14 virtual machine to be installed on vSphere ESXi 6.7 is as follows. Click on the Finish button to continue the installation.

Ready to Continue

How to Install macOS in vSphere ESXi

After making the necessary configurations on vSphere ESXi 6.7, follow the steps below for installing macOS.

   Step 1

Run the virtual machine by clicking on the Power on button.

Running macOS Virtual Machine

   Step 2

Wait for the installation to start.

Running macOS Virtual Machine

   Step 3

Select your macOS system language and click Continue.

Selecting System Language in macOS Mojave

   Step 4

To configure the disk, select Disk Utility and click the Continue button.

Disk Utility

   Step 5

Once you have selected the Virtual SATA Hard Drive Media disk, click the Erase button.

VMware Virtual SATA Hard Drive Media

   Step 6

Once you have configured the disk name, format, and Scheme settings, click the Erase button again.

Configuring macOS Mojave Disk Drive

   Step 7

After configuring the hard disk of the macOS virtual machine, click on the Done button and then close the Disk Utility.

Configuring macOS Mojave Disk Drive

   Step 8

Select the Install macOS option and click the Continue button.

Install macOS

   Step 9

Click the Continue button to launch the MacOS installation on vSphere ESXi.

Continue to Install macOS Mojave

   Step 10

Select the disk to install macOS 10.14 and click the Install button.

Selecting the Disk to be Installed

   Step 11

Wait while it copies the necessary files for the macOS Mojave installation.

About 15 Minutes Remaining

   Step 12

Wait while it is installing macOS Mojave on vSphere Hypervisor. This may take some time…

Installing macOS Mojave

   Step 13

After copying the installation files, the virtual machine will restart, and you will see the following image. You need to configure the latest settings of the macOS Mojave.

Select the country you live in and click Continue.

Choosing Region

   Step 14

Select your keyboard layout and click Continue.

Select Your Keyboard

   Step 15

To accept Apple’s Data & Privacy settings, click Continue directly.

Data and Privacy

   Step 16

If you are installing a clean macOS Mojave, you can continue with it. Don’t transfer any information now.

Don't transfer any information now

   Step 17

Click Sign Up Later and then Skip to sign in later on Apple.

Sign Up Later

   Step 18

Click the Agree button to accept the MacOS Mojave software license agreement.

Accepting License Agreement

   Step 19

Create a new user account for the macOS Mojave operating system and click Continue.

Create a Computer Account

   Step 20

Click on Continue to allow applications such as Apple’s Maps and Find My Mac, which will enable you to send the errors you have on your Mac to Apple.

Find My Mac

   Step 21

The most prominent feature of macOS Mojave 10.14 is the Dark theme. Select Dark appearance and click Continue.

Choose Your Look

   Step 22

Once you have successfully installed macOS Mojave on vSphere, you can check the version using the Apple logo / About.

macOS Mojave Version

How to Install VMware Tools for macOS Mojave on vSphere

After installing macOS Mojave, you need to install VMware Tools. With VM Tools, you can use the virtual machine in full-screen mode and get the virtual machine to run more efficiently.

To install VMware Tools on a macOS virtual machine, follow the steps below in order.

   Step 1

Close the virtual machine and click the Edit button, as shown below.

Editing Virtual Machine

   Step 2

Upload the Darwin.iso file into Datastore and then select the Darwin.iso file in the Datastore Browser window.


   Step 3

After adding the darwin.iso file to the macOS virtual machine, click the Save button to save the settings.

CD/DVD Media

   Step 4

Now, run the Mojave virtual machine.

Power on VM

   Step 5

Double-click on the VM Tools installation image, and in the window that opens, double-click Install VMware Tools to install.

Install VMware Tools

   Step 6

In the VM Tools Installer window, click the Continue button.

VMware Tools Installer

   Step 7

Click the Continue Installation button again.

Continue Installation

   Step 8

Type your user account name and password, and then click the Install Software button.

Enter Root Password

   Step 9

Click the OK button to turn off the Not Optimized for VM Tools Mac option.

Not Optimized for VM Tools Mac

   Step 10

Click the Open Security Preferences button if you encounter a System Extension Blocked alert.

System Extension Blocked

   Step 11

Click the Allow button to allow the VM Tools setup file.

Security and Privacy

   Step 12

After setting up VM Tools for macOS, click the Restart button to restart the virtual machine.

The installation was successful

   Step 13

After the macOS 10.14 virtual machine restarts, make the virtual machine full screen.

Virtual Machine Full Screen

   Step 14

You can understand whether VM Tools is running on the entire screen of the virtual machine.

Virtual Machine Full Screen


In this article, we have installed macOS Mojave 10.14 on vSphere 6.7. Finally, we have resolved the screen resolution issue. Thanks for following us!


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