How to Fix Screen Brightness on Windows 11 & 10 in Laptop and PC

If you are a Microsoft Windows 11 or 10 user and encountering screen brightness issues on your computer, you are not alone. Many users face problems when trying to adjust the screen brightness on their systems, experiencing issues where it doesn’t work. The source of this problem is typically a graphics card driver, but sometimes, it can also arise from OS settings.

If you’re unable to change the brightness or light of your PC’s screen, we have prepared this guide as a solution. This way, you can adjust the LCD luminosity level on your PC.

Windows Screen Brightness ProblemContinue Reading…

How to Find Windows Original Installation Date using CMD and Powershell

Microsoft updates Windows to give users a modern, speedy, safe, and steady operating system. Users use Microsoft updates to keep their systems secure. But sometimes, an update can mess up the system. So, users try to determine the source of the issue by looking at the Windows installation date.

In short, by finding the installation date of the system, they check the updated patches released since that date. So, it helps them pinpoint and fix issues where a particular update messes up the system. Or they might be curious about the Windows installation date on their system.

How to Find Windows Installation DateContinue Reading…