What is JavaScript (JS)?

JavaScript (JS) is a programming language interpreted as the dialect of the ECMAScript standard and is defined as object-oriented, prototype-based, mandatory, poorly written, and dynamic.

JavaScript Definition and Features

What is the JavaScript Programming Language?

Netscape and Sun Microsystems, the creator of the Java language, re-introduced it in Javascript in December 1995 to co-develop the project.

In response to the popularity of Javascript, Microsoft released VBScript, a small structure of its script-based programming language, VisualBasic.

In 1996, Microsoft launched the Jscript language, which was introduced in the Internet Explorer web browser to compete with Javascript.

JS was developed to help website authors create and edit specific pages for users to create more complex websites.

HTML allowed the creation of static pages that could only display text, but one-to-one interaction was required with users.

In the 1990s, Netscape created and released LiveScript. The earliest versions of the LiveScript language were intended primarily for small groups of web designers who do not need to use a compiler or have object-oriented programming experience.

As new versions of this language became available, they included new components that gave the language great potential. Still, unfortunately, this version only worked on the latest version of Netscape Navigator at that time.

It was initially developed under the name Mocha, which was later renamed LiveScript by Brendan Eich by Netscape, and eventually, its name was changed to JavaScript.

When Netscape added support for Java technology in the Navigator web browser in version 2.0B3, the name change caused a conflict.

JavaScript created confusion because it is an extension of Java and was interpreted by many as a marketing strategy by Netscape to gain prestige and innovate in new web programming languages.

JavaScript Features

Since you don’t need advanced programming knowledge to learn how to use JavaScript, this programming language is recommended by many experts when you research a language to start programming.

By processing the objects on our website, we can define different events on the objects.

These objects make it easier to program and design interactive pages while preventing the execution of commands that may be dangerous to the user’s machine, such as formatting the drivers and replacing files.

Because it has a dynamic structure, it can respond to real-time events such as pressing a button, hovering over specific text, or just loading the page.

Instead of storing pages or pages on the web server for each user, we can leave the appearance of the pages entirely under the control of the user by making calculations based on the variables determined by the user.

There are many programming languages, such as Vue and React, that are used in various fields based on JS.

Differences Between Java and Javascript

1) Compiler

To program in Java, we need a Development Kit and a compiler. In contrast, the page is interpreted by the browser because no language requires your Javascript programs to be compiled.

2) Object-Oriented

Java is an object-oriented programming language, but it is not Javascript. This means that we can program without creating classes, as done in structured programming languages ​​such as C or Pascal.

3) Purpose

Java is much more powerful than JS because it is a general-purpose language that allows you to do a wide variety of applications.

With Javascript, we can only write programs that will work on web pages. Still, technologies were introduced that allow the scope of JS to be extended to other areas, such as video game programming or writing standard desktop programs.

As you can see, Java is a much more complex but also strong, robust, and reliable programming language.

It has more functionality than JS, and the differences between them are easily distinguishable.


Although it is a server-side JavaScript format, it is mainly used in the client-side format. It is implemented as part of a web browser that allows improvements to the user interface and dynamic web pages.

Although it is similar to the name of the Java programming language, it is designed with a syntax similar to C. However, Java and JavaScript are not interrelated and have different semantics and purposes.

Among the different services offered with JS on the Internet, mail services, IRC/chat, hours, visit counters, date, account, form, browser, and language detectors can be counted.

Website Code Structure

Javascript code is included in the <body> </body> tags of web pages. These codes are usually added between <script> </script> and can also be found in external JS files.

Example: <script src="font.js">  </script>

Browser Compatibility

Most web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Opera browser, Google Chrome tool, or Mozilla Firefox software, support JS.

Ajax for XML was developed with the emergence of languages such as PHP on the server side and Javascript on the client side.

This language combines various technologies, such as HTML and CSS, to create interactive web applications.

XMLHttpRequest is one of the most important functions it contains, which allows data to be synchronized asynchronously with the web server.

Although many web browsers support the JS language, you can turn it on or off in the browser settings.

It is recommended to include JS files as an external file due to both accessibility, browsing practicality, and page speed.

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